My new shoes – Hal by Loake

A few days ago, happened to be browsing inside Princes Arcade near Piccadilly Circus. I walked steadily, glancing at the window displays of all the charming stores along the way and then I came across Loake, the English shoemakers. The shoes in the window teased me as they were too beautiful to resist. I stepped into the shop and a group of gentlemen were engaged in banter. It was then I came across these pretty brogues called HAL. I simply needed to add them to my wardrobe. So proud to say they are now mine.

Editor of I eat, sleep & breathe fashion. Love the arts. Named as the 8th Top Fashion Insider by Daily Telegraph. Featured in TATLER's Bystander (four times). Described as one of London's "most stylish" people by Daily Mail. Named and featured in Evening Standard's "the Capital's Most Influential" article. I have written for The Times, Stylist Magazine, Harrods, Huffington Post, DUNE and Debenhams.

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